Solar Excellence from A to Zee
Affordable energy from sun and light is fast becoming a necessity.
The cost of energy is assuming greater importance on your list of outgoings.
As a business owner, you can take on this fast-growing expenditure with a time-tested long-term solution or leave it at the mercy of almost predictable electricity rate hikes that will plough through your profits and reduce them with every increase.
Harness the Sun’s power for your benefit.
The Australian continent has the highest solar radiation per square metre of any continent and consequently some of the best solar energy resource in the world.
Australia receives an average of 58 million PJ of solar radiation per year, approximately 10,000 times larger than its total energy consumption.
However, Australia's current use of solar energy is low with solar energy accounting for only about 0.1 per cent of Australia's total primary energy consumption.
And when you do, consider the benefits of doing it the right way with invaluable professional guidance that very few in this industry will be able to offer.
CEC Approved Retailer
In partnership with
Technology partners
Standards compliance